
Smooth(ie) Operator

Clockwise: Noosa Yogurt (Honey), Coco Libre Coconut Water, organic beets, organic mango


Do you eat a lot of veggies? I honestly love vegetables, but I run out of creative ways to prepare them and then I get bored. Lately, I have been searching for easy ways to infuse more fresh fruits and veggies into our diet. My research (on Pinterest, of course) has led me rediscover the smoothie. Light bulb moment. Why didn’t I think of this before?

What a mystifying invention! You can pack in way more veggies than you would ever eat in one sitting. Add in some fruit to sweeten it. Voila! A healthy creation that young & old can enjoy. Which is especially great for moms who have to fight to get their kids to eat anything healthy!


A smoothie can be a great way to sneak in supplements too. Probiotics, vitamins, and other nutritional addition can easily be hidden by the fruit and veggies. We like to add hemp seeds for protein, yogurt for probiotics, and camu powder for Vitamin C.


Here’s our favorite recipe:

Do you make smoothies for your family? If so, comment below with your favorite “recipe”!

Do you have another way to sneak in healthy foods? Please share with me in the comments below!

Until next time, have a fantastic day! 🍓

4 thoughts on “Smooth(ie) Operator”

  1. Nice recipe! I’ve tried a beets-carrot-apple smoothie and it wasn’t half bad. I’m always trying to sneak in more fruits and veggies to my kids, and lately I’ve been making banana or apple oatmeal pancakes. They’re delicious and nutritious! 🙂

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